A lot of things that politicians have been saying about the Affordable Care Act are really ticking me off. While I am certainly not a huge fan of the ACA, I still think that many politicians are somewhat overreacting to it, with 2 things that are especially getting on my nerves.
1. While in Virginia last week, Ron Paul said that nullification is the only thing left to do to stop this apparently extremely evil bill. You know, nullification, the thing that partly led to the civil war, and has been defeated time and time again because of the Supremacy Claue. While I understand Ron Paul's desire to increase state power in matters regarding Obamacare, I still cannot believe that he suggested nullification as a legitimate answer. Here's the article: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/11/ken-cuccinelli-ron-paul-urges-nullification-virginia-governor-2013-election-99358.html#ixzz2jk9QygjO
2. Many Congressmen (Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, etc.) have called the ACA the worst and vilest law to ever exist in the US. Again, I understand that they really hate Obamacare. While they may not like Obamacare, it is definitely not the worst law in the history of the us. They are forgetting and/or ignoring slavery, the forced relocation of American Indians, internment camps, and a long list of other laws which were far worse than trying to create universal healthcare.
So, while i may agree partly with some of what these politicians are trying to say about the ACA, I cannot support this ignorance and, at times, stupidity.
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